Physical Level
Applied Natya Therapy promotes healing in a number of ways. Moving as a group brings people out of isolation, creates powerful social and emotional bonds, and generates the good feelings that come from being with others. Moving rhythmically eases muscular rigidity, diminishes anxiety, and increases energy. Moving spontaneously helps people learn to recognize and trust their impulses, and to act on or contain them as they choose. Moving creatively encourages self expression and opens up new ways of thinking and doing.

On Physical level
Applied Natya Therapy Shastra provides improved health, well-being, coordination, and muscle tone.

On an Emotional level
It helps people feel more joyful and confident, enhanced self image and higher self worth , allows them to explore issues such as anger, frustration, and loss that may be too difficult to explore verbally. It works at increasing Emotional Intelligence

On a Mental level
ANT seeks to enhance cognitive skills, motivation, and memory.

On a Spiritual Level
The main purpose of any art is to uplift the individual to their highest potential. Self actualized people are a boon for the emerging and positive society.

Applied Natya Therapy has a potential to provide broad range of health benefits. It has been demonstrated to be clinically effective at improving

  • Depression
  • Body image
  • Self-esteem
  • Attentiveness
  • Communication skills
  • Leadership skills
  • Reduce stress, fears and anxieties, feelings of isolation, Body tension & Chronic pain

  • In addition, it can enhance the functioning of the body's circulatory and respiratory systems.Applied Natya Therapy has also been shown to benefit adolescent and adult psychiatric patients, the learning disabled, the visually and hearing impaired, the mentally handicapped, and the elderly.